Friday, 1 June 2012

The Inspiration

don’t wanna be your exotic
some delicate fragile colorful bird 
imprisoned caged 
in a land foreign to the stretch of her wings 
don’t wanna be your exotic 
women everywhere are just like me 
some taller darker nicer than me 
but like me but just the same 
women everywhere carry my nose on their faces 
my name on their spirits 
don’t wanna 
don’t seduce yourself with 
my otherness my hair 
wasn’t put on top of my head to entice 
you into some mysterious black voodoo 
the beat of my lashes against each other 
ain’t some dark desert beat 
it’s just a blink 
get over it 
don’t wanna be your exotic 
your lovin of my beauty ain’t more than 
funky fornication plain pink perversion 
in fact nasty necrophilia 
cause my beauty is dead to you 
I am dead to you 
not your 
harem girl geisha doll banana picker 
pom pom girl pum pum shorts coffee maker 
town whore belly dancer private dancer 
la malinche venus hottentot laundry girl 
your immaculate vessel emasculating princess 
don’t wanna be 
your erotic 
not your exotic 

Not Your Erotic, Not Your Exotic - Suheir Hammad

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