Thursday, 14 June 2012

India, Erotica, and Writing: The Times of India interviews M Svairini

South Asian erotica writer & blogger M Svairini is interviewed by The Times of India on erotica and how that connects to Indian culture. Some choice snippets:
Do you think more women writers are exploring this genre now? Why? 
As a wider swath of Indian women have access to the Internet and some leisure time, they're looking for more fulfillment in every aspect of their lives, and for material that excites them. And when they don't find it, they're creating it. 
Not much existing visual porn is aimed toward women's tastes, and most women don't want to look at exploitative videos of semi-starved girls living in virtual slavery who are trafficked in from Nepal to be on sexcams - no more than they want to walk into the red-light districts of the metros. They want stories they can relate to. 
Who/what are your inspirations? Do you find India/Indians limiting in inspiration? 
I am inspired by my own imagination, by my lovers (past/present/future), and by almost anything that I see or read. This morning in fact I was thinking how it would be fun to write an erotic story set in a fictional culture where your sexuality is defined by whether you prefer to be the "inside" or "outside" of the "spoon". Many Indians seem to limit themselves sexually, but of course India and Indians are capable of unlimited sexuality. We invented most of this stuff. Currently Indian writing and sexual expression is very hamstrung by archaic obscenity laws. These remnants of colonialism are getting weaker. 
Check out her blog, The Bottom Runs the Fuck, as well as Shameless Yonis, a group blog (of which she is co-contributor) for South Asians interested in the erotic.

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